Starting a keto diet can change a lot in the way that your body functions. Ketosis, the metabolic process that promotes fat burning, literally alters the chemistry in your body. Because of these changes, you’re likely to notice some differences after starting a new keto diet Here are a few signs that indicate that you’re in the state of Ketosis:
1. Bad Breath

Your ketone levels increase dramitaclly when you’re in ketosis. The ketone acetone in specific causes an unpleasant odor in your breath. To combat this, you can try chewing sugar-free gum or brushing your teeth a couple of times a day.
2. Rapid Initial Weight Loss

Cutting out carbs causes an immediate change in the way your body produces energy. First you will lose a ton of water weight. Then your fat reserves will be used to create energy instead. You’ll realize that you’re dropping weight fairly quickly in your first couple weeks of a keto diet. This weight can either come from lean mass or body fat.
3. Decrease in Appetite

Many people feel as though their overall hunger decreases after starting a ketogenic diet. This is likely because they are now ingesting more vegetables and proteins than before, as well as changes in your body’s hunger hormones. The ketones your body will release are also natural appetite suppressants.
4. Better Energy and Focus

After keto flu, many report feeling much more attentive then they’ve been before. This energy comes from the new production of ketones in the body. Ketones are much more effective in energizing the brain than glucose. This allows you to focus much better
5. Increased Thirst

Increased thirst isn’t unusual when following a ketogenic diet. High levels of ketones in the body can lead to water and electrolyte loss. This can be bad if nothing is done to help replenish them. Make sure to get sufficient water and electrolytes.
6. Changes in Your Sleep Patterns

Starting a ketogenic diet may lead to alterations in your sleeping habits as well. It’s been reported that it may be difficult to sleep on time or get up when dieting. Some people also report difficulty in sleeping well throughout the night. These issues often clear up after you’ve adjusted to the diet however, with a few people saying that they even have a better sleep schedule than before.