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Virtual Weight-loss with Mindful Living

In a time where social distancing is more important than ever, you cannot use it as an excuse to deter from your health goals. Yes, social distancing saves lives. But only if you adjust your healthy lifestyle to social distancing. You must continue holding yourself accountable to a health coach on a weekly basis regardless of if you can meet with them in person. You must still have your weight-loss plans overseen by a doctor even if you do not go to their clinic physically. How is this all possible without physically meeting up? Well here at the Mindful Living Institute, we leverage the internet to power our virtual coaching program. In order to participate you need three things.

After you have these three things, we will contact you to book your first virtual appointment. During this session you will weigh-in on your Smart Scale which syncs with our app. Now our health coach will be able to read all your body composition data on his or her provider dashboard. They will be able to tell you your overall weight, body fat percentage, lean mass, visceral fat, and hydration levels. From this information they will be able to set realistic goals with you. The goals you will be setting together only have to do with health and have nothing to do with aesthetics. We want you to be healthy, not just look healthy.

Next your coach will go over the Mindful Living Protocol with you and personalize it to your lifestyle. They will tell you what to eat and when to eat it. They will remind you what kind of foods you should avoid. After they will show you where all this information is in you mobile application so you can reference it at any time. The purpose of the first visit is to set long term goals and familiarize you with the system. At the end of your first visit you will choose a routine time to follow up on a weekly basis.

Subsequent visits will be a little quicker. First you will weigh-in and the coach will go over your results. Next the coach will go over your food journal with you. If you decide to use the app to journal than all your food choices will show up in the coach’s provider dashboard. Should you decide to use pen and paper for your journal please take a picture of it and email or text a copy to your coach. It is super important you journal your food as it allows your coach to better comprehend and explain your results. Without journaling coaches must guess why your results are the way they are. After going over your journal your coach will ask you how your sleep, exercise, and water intake is. All of these points are super important for you and your coach to discuss.

Finally, at the end of your visit your coach will empower you to set SMART goals based on the content of your discussion. It’s important you set the goals yourself so that you will be more likely to stick to them. After setting the goals together the coach will always double check to see if you have any questions and concerns. Lastly they will make sure you are aware of your next scheduled virtual visit. If you just want to try virtual coaching for 3 months and don’t want to make a long term commitment, click here.

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