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How to Manage Stress During the Holidays?

Writer's picture: Aamna SiddiquiAamna Siddiqui

The Holidays are known to be the season full of joy. Many look forward to gift-giving, bonding with family and friends, and clocking in the new year with their ambitious resolutions. People often assume that the holidays are merry for just about everyone, but this isn’t quite the case. The holiday season can often be a big stressor for many individuals, due to a variety of reasons.

Adults especially tend to experience the stress of the holidays, both mentally and financially. Gift giving is now an integral part of the season for many families. Parents and relatives often feel pressured to find the perfect gift for other family members, friends, or even coworkers. They also may feel that spending more is needed for the best gift. This can quickly lead to gift-giving being a financial burden. There are many ways to combat this issue. One way is to set yourself a budget well before the holiday season. Thinking ahead is important, because your judgment may get a little skewed once you’re with all your family. Also, don’t hesitate to use a budget that may be lower than previous years. It’s completely okay to not splurge on your family and friends; many of them would appreciate the thought over everything else. Another thing to consider is that not everyone needs a gift from you, try to grab presents that you believe are most deserved.

The pressure is also felt by many when it comes to entertaining and quality time. Many often have their family over for the first time in a while and are expected to do their best to keep everyone entertained. This is especially difficult if someone has work or other obligations present during the season. It’s okay to say “no” when asked about hosting your family/friends, taking people out, or even to go out yourself.

It may be difficult to realize, but you should come first. It’s completely okay to consider your own situation over others for the holidays; It may not always be practical for you to have family over for the season. It is also okay to reach out to trusted family or friends for help when it comes to gatherings, you may be able to get some much-needed advice or aid.

New years resolutions from the previous year are often quite heavily reflected on during the holiday season. Some may find that they were able to accomplish the goals that they had set aside, but others may not be in the same situation. While it is easy to overthink the decisions you’ve made previously, it’s not a healthy way to spend your energy. Dwelling on the past will only bring your mood down. What happened, happened, and there is not much you can do to change it. What you can do is to think about the future. Feel free to even jot down a plan of action when it comes to your goals. It’s also important to stay optimistic through the process.

The last couple of paragraphs featured a lot of talk about family and friends. While many do look forward to seeing those they love during this season, some may not have this privilege. This can be due to many reasons such as losing a family member or friends or even being in a toxic relationship. Regardless of the reason, it’s important to never assume that someone else loves the holidays as much as you. Even without you intending it, you can come off as insensitive. Similarly, however, don’t assume that someone would hate the holidays if they may be spending it without loved ones.

Works Cited:

Staff. (2017, September 16). Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for coping. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic:

Wiegartz, P. (2011, November 12). 10 Common Holiday Stresses and How to Cope with Them. Retrieved from Psychology Today:

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